Helping individuals with HIV/AIDS improve the quality of their lives.
The Greater Hartford Ryan White Part A Planning Council unites our funders, healthcare providers, and people living with HIV/AIDS under a common goal: to help those with HIV and AIDS improve their health and the quality of their lives.
The Planning Council is mandated by the federal government to identify gaps in HIV care and services as well as allocate Ryan White funds to establish a comprehensive continuum of care for persons with HIV/AIDS. To do this the Council conducts needs assessments and focus groups to identify consumer needs. This information, along with other data, is used to set priorities and allocations for the use of federal Ryan White grant funds to provide needed HIV services in the three counties that comprise the Greater Hartford Transitional Grant Area (TGA): Hartford, Tolland, and Middlesex counties.
Item of Interest:
Visit our Resources page for a link to New York State’s Ending the Epidemic (ETE) Dashboard System, which is used to measure, track and disseminate actionable information on progress towards achieving New York State’s Ending the Epidemic (ETE) Initiative’s goals to all stakeholders.
Upcoming Event:
Registration for the 2024 National Ryan White Conference on HIV Care & Treatment (NRWC) is now open! You can register to attend in-person or virtually on the official conference website.
The 2024 NRWC will be a hybrid event, with plenary sessions, breakout sessions, posters, exhibits, and networking opportunities available on the virtual conference platform and in-person. Additional registration details, including registration categories and hotel booking guidance, are available on the conference website.
2iS Project: Early Intervention Services
Please refer any clients that meet the following, so we may engage them back into care!
- One or more Substance Use Disorders: Opioids, Marijuana, Nicotine, Stimulants, Sedatives, Hallucinogens, Alcohol
- 18 yo/older
- HIV Diagnosis (new or prior diagnosis)
Contact: Ruth Garcia at Community Care Center, 860-972-9300
Or contact staff at CRT to coordinate referrals to the Community Care Center:
Luis Irizarry, 860-938-7093, Jean Carlos Negron, 860-849-7556
The Planning Council meets once a month, typically on the first Wednesday. The Council also has five standing committees and two minority caucuses. All meetings are open to the public.

178 Oakwood Dr
Glastonbury, CT 06033
[email protected]
Phone: 860-267-5439
Angelique Croasdale-Mills
Senior Project Manager
City of Hartford
Ryan White Part A Program
[email protected]
Phone: 860-503-8031
Oral Health: Plan – Do – Study – Act (PDSA)